Abigail Orgeron Serves as Panelist at Texas Law Women's Law Caucus Event

Speaking Engagements

3.01.23 11:42 AM

Abigail Orgeron served as a featured panelist for The University of Texas at Austin School of Law's Women's Law Caucus.The event featured a panel of five women from firms around Texas that qualify as mid-size law firms.

Orgeron and the other panelists answered questions on how their respective firms support women associates and partners, mentoring and summer programs, initiatives firms have implemented or plan to implement involving uplifting women lawyers and women law students, and generally, what the audience could do as either summer associates or new associates. Orgeron highlighted Dykema’s professional development committee, which helps attorneys not only access ongoing seminars and trainings but connects them with opportunities that specific attorneys may find helpful, as well as the firm's mentoring program and the connection women have both within a home office and between other offices. She also mentioned Dykema's Rainmakers series, where women associates are able to ask questions of women members, as well as the firm's upcoming Women's Business Initiative events, and its associate’s committee.