AI & the Healthcare Industry: Striking the Right Balance Between Strategic Advances and Major Risk

Speaking Engagements

6.13.24 — 6.13.24 2:15 PM — 3:15 PM

Kim Holmes will serve as a featured speaker at the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) Ann Arbor Regional Healthcare Compliance Conference taking place June 13, 2024.

Holmes's presentation, "AI & the Healthcare Industry: Striking the Right Balance Between Strategic Advances and Major Risk," will help attendees:

  • Understand the major areas today where AI poses risk as well as where it is currently providing advanced capabilities to the healthcare industry;
  • Define the key risks that are posed by AI in healthcare with respect to their corresponding area(s) of AI-enabled advancements; and
  • Articulate how the tension between identified efficiencies and problems with AI will likely influence its future impact in the healthcare industry.