David Schenck, Christopher Kratovil and Kristina Williams Author Article for Westlaw

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Dallas-based attorneys in Dykema’s Litigation practice, member David J. Schenck, leader of the Firm’s Specialized Litigation & Advanced Motion Practice Team, member Christopher D. Kratovil, and associate Kristina M. Williams, co-authored the article, “Facebook ‘rapper’ urges high court to adopt subjective test for online threats,” for Westlaw publications.

In the article, Schenck, Kratovil and Williams covers the case Elonis v. United States, which is teed up for the U.S. Supreme Court and involves “speech crime.” The authors discuss the current law, when speech is actually considered a crime versus speech protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as well as foreseeable implications based on the Supreme Court’s decision.

To read the entire article as it appears in the Westlaw Journal, click here.

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