Webinar: Critical Employee Benefit and Legal Issues Associated with COVID-19
As the employer landscape continues to evolve due to COVID-19, many employers are thinking about how their business model may change both today and in the future. What does this all mean for employers from a cost cutting perspective, an HR perspective and a legal perspective?
This webinar will discuss answers to employment and benefit related questions that are most frequently being asked by our clients in the current COVID-19 pandemic environment, as well as impacts of existing and developing statutory and regulatory provisions. Our discussion will include: differences between layoff and furlough; health and welfare coverage during layoff or furlough; necessary steps to be considered and taken by the employer; and principal impacts of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES).
Additional program topics include:
- WARN Act and state law equivalent implications
- Impact on exempt and non-exempt status employees who are laid off, furloughed, or whose pay is reduced
- Eligibility and qualifying reasons for paid sick leave and expanded paid FMLA leave
- Privacy considerations in conducting medical screenings and requesting medical information
- Availability of Reasonable Accommodations
Register now for this informative webinar featuring insights and thought leadership from Vertus and Dykema. Please submit questions in advance to sminjoe@dykema.com.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. CST
Click here to register
HRCI eligibility will be determined after the program. If HRCI accredited, we provide Certificates of Attendance to all attendees who return a completed Record of Attendance. Please contact Sarah Minjoe at sminjoe@dykema.com with questions.