Privacy Policy


LAST MODIFIED: January 1, 2025

Dykema Gossett PLLC (“Dykema”) has created this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) in compliance with applicable law and to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. This Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, store, retain or otherwise process your personal information in the course of performing our legal and advisory services, which includes the administration of the websites described below (these websites collectively referred to as the “Website” and collectively with our professional legal services, referred to as our “Services”).  


When we refer to “you” or “your,” we mean the person about whom we collect personal information or data. If the person accessing the Website or engaging with our Services does so on behalf of, or for the purposes of, another person, including a business or other organization, “you” or “your” also means that other person, including a business organization, if applicable.

You can find the previous version of this Policy here. In this updated version of this Policy, we have:

  • Clarified how we collect, process and disclose personal information in the course of providing legal Services to our clients;
  • Updated the explanation of data rights available to U.S. consumers based upon upcoming changes in law;
  • Added our International Privacy Policy, describing how we collect, process and disclose personal information relating to non-U.S. data subjects and describing the data rights potentially available to them; and
  • Updated our disclosures regarding the deployment and collection of online browsing information, including through cookie data and related technologies deployed on our Website. We’ve also explained how Dykema’s consent management platform empowers visitors to our Website to make choices regarding how their online activity is monitored.

Please read this Policy carefully. Our Policy includes:

    1. General Disclosures
    2. What Information We Collect And Disclose And For What Purposes
    3. Personal Information Relating To Children
    4. How Long We Retain Your Information
    5. Marketing And Promotional Communications
    6. Links To Other Sites
    7. Security
    8. Your Data Rights
    9. Data Rights For California Consumers
    10. How To Submit A Request
    11. How We Process Data Rights Requests
    12. Changes To This Privacy Policy
    13. Contact Us


This Policy is supplemented by our:



Our data centers and Website are hosted in the United States. If you are visiting this Website from outside of the United States, please note that by providing us your information it is being stored or processed in the United States. The United States may not have privacy laws that are as strong or comprehensive as the privacy laws in your own country. If you are outside the United States and do not wish to allow the collection and storage of your personal information within the United States, you should not use this Website and you should opt-out of the collection of cookies by following the guidelines in our section titled How To Opt-Out Of Tracking And Restrict Cookies. For more information about how we utilize cookies, view our Cookies Policy.

This Policy applies only to Dykema’s Services, and not to other companies’ or organizations’ websites, mobile applications and services to which we link. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other businesses or the content of other websites, including any websites that may indicate a special relationship or partnership with us (such as co-branded pages or “in cooperation with” relationships). To ensure protection of your privacy, always review the privacy policies of the companies with whom you engage.



In the course of performing our Services, we collect a variety of different kinds of personal information from a variety of different individuals. What information we collect and the purposes for which it is collected will depend on the context of our activities or the Service that is being performed. Therefore, just because this Policy lists a particular data collection practice does not mean that we have necessarily collected that data from you. Please review the applicable disclosures below to learn about how we may have collected personal information from you, which may depend on how you have interacted with us.

Website Visitors

If you visit our Website:

  • We may collect online identifier, geolocation, internet, electronic network activity and device information relating to you. 
  • We may use this information to operate our Website and provision it to you, personalize your use of our Website, advertise and market our Services and to measure, track and analyze trends and usage in connection with your use or the performance of our Website.
  • We generally collect this information from you directly, although we may collect information from referring websites or from our information technology, security and Website hosting providers.
  • We may disclose this information to our service providers, affiliates and operational vendors.
  • We do not sell this information for money but we will disclose this information to our marketing and analytics vendors in exchange for online marketing services.
  • We may share this information with our marketing vendors for the purposes of targeted advertising or cross-contextual behavioral advertising.

See below for more detail about our data practices relating to website visitors. 


Categories Collected

The personal information we collect may include:

Sources of Collection

We may collect your personal information from:

Business Purpose

The purposes of our collection, use and disclosure include:

Categories of Third Parties to Which Personal Information is Disclosed

We may disclose your personal information to:

Identifier Information (includes your internet protocol (IP) address and online identifiers)
  • you, directly
  • referring websites
  • personalizing and facilitating your use of our Websites
  • enforcing any applicable terms of service or other applicable agreements or policies
  • securing our networks, systems and databases against external threats
  • marketing and advertising of our Services
  • developing, maintaining and enhancing our Services
  • as required by law or to resolve, investigate or manage actual or suspected legal claims
  • our service providers (marketing services vendors, security monitoring providers, data analytics providers, database and hosting vendors and our auditors)
  • our affiliates
  • other entities during a corporate transaction
  • entities that operate plug-ins or social media features on our Websites, including video plug-ins
  • our online advertising and marketing partners
  • courts, litigants, regulators, arbitrators, administrative bodies or law enforcement for legal purposes
Geolocation Information
  • you, directly
  • referring websites
  • personalizing and facilitating your use of our Websites
  • measuring, tracking and analyzing trends and usage in connection with your use or the performance of our Website
  • marketing and advertising of our Services
  • developing, maintaining and enhancing our Services
  • as required by law or to resolve, investigate or manage actual or suspected legal claims
  • our service providers (marketing services vendors, security monitoring providers, data analytics providers, database and hosting vendors and our auditors)
  • our affiliates
  • entities that operate plug-ins or social media features on our Websites
  • other entities during a corporate transaction
  • courts, litigants, regulators, arbitrators, administrative bodies or law enforcement for legal purposes

Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information (includes your time zone setting, auth0 logs, pages visited, pages viewed, events and page loads, browser plug-in types and versions)
  • you, directly
  • referring websites
  • personalizing and facilitating your use of our Websites
  • measuring, tracking and analyzing trends and usage in connection with your use or the performance of our Websites
  • marketing and advertising of our services
  • developing, maintaining and enhancing our Websites, products and services
  • as required by law or to resolve, investigate or manage actual or suspected legal claims
  • our service providers (marketing services vendors, security monitoring providers, data analytics providers, database and hosting vendors and our auditors)
  • our affiliates
  • entities that operate plug-ins or social media features on our Websites
  • other entities during a corporate transaction
  • courts, litigants, regulators, arbitrators, administrative bodies or law enforcement for legal purposes
Device Information (includes your operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access the Websites)
  • you, directly
  • referring websites
  • personalizing and facilitating your use of our Websites
  • measuring, tracking and analyzing trends and usage in connection with your use or the performance of our Websites
  • marketing and advertising of our services
  • developing, maintaining and enhancing our Websites, products and services
  • as required by law or to resolve, investigate or manage actual or suspected legal claims
  • our service providers (marketing services vendors, security monitoring providers, data analytics providers, database and hosting vendors and our auditors)
  • our affiliates
  • entities that operate plug-ins or social media features on our Websites
  • other entities during a corporate transaction
  • courts, litigants, regulators, arbitrators, administrative bodies or law enforcement for legal purposes

Further, we may collect personal information from you in the form of cookies. For information regarding how we collect, process and disclose personal information in the context of cookies, view our Cookies Policy.

Current or Prospective Clients, Business Partners and Dykema Alumni

If you are an employee of one of our customers, vendors or other entity and who is involved in our relationship with your employer, if you engage with us as a proprietor of your own business or in your individual capacity, or if you are a former Dykema employee or a member of our alumni network:

  • We may collect your business identifier information, business account log-in and password information and payment card or bank details, which are considered “sensitive” under certain privacy laws.
  • We may use this information to administer and facilitate our relationship with you or your employer, send you communications (including marketing communications) about our Services, events and webinars, process payments, and to secure our networks, systems and databases against external threats.
  • We generally collect this information from you directly, although we may collect business identifier information from referrals or publicly available databases.
  • We may disclose this information to our service providers, operational vendors, business partners and marketing partners.
  • We do not sell your information nor do we use your information for targeted advertising or cross-context behavioral advertising.

See below for more detail about our data practices relating to current or prospective business partners.


Categories Collected

The personal information we collect may include:

Sources of Collection

We may collect your personal information from:

Business Purpose

The purposes of our collection, use and disclosure include:

Categories of Third Parties to Which Personal Information is Disclosed

We may disclose your personal information to:

Identifier Information (includes your name, e-mail, phone number, fax number, physical address and job position information)
  • you, directly
  • referral sources
  • publicly available sources
  • administrating and facilitating our relationship with you or your employer
  • securing our networks, systems and databases against external threats
  • corresponding with you
  • providing business event planning, provision and operation services
  • marketing and advertising of our Services
  • developing, maintaining and enhancing our sites, products and services
  • as required by law or to resolve, investigate or manage actual or suspected legal claims
  • our service providers (marketing services vendors, communication vendors, database hosting vendors and our auditors)
  • our affiliates
  • other entities during a corporate transaction
  • courts, litigants, regulators, arbitrators, administrative bodies or law enforcement for legal purposes
Financial Information, if you engage Dykema in your personal capacity or as a sole proprietor of your business (includes your bank account information, payment card information and tax information)
  • you, directly
  • administrating and facilitating our relationship with you 
  • processing payments as required by law or to resolve, investigate or manage actual or suspected legal claims
  • our service providers (payment processors, database hosting vendors and our auditors)
  • our affiliates
  • other entities during a corporate transaction
  • courts, litigants, regulators, arbitrators, administrative bodies or law enforcement for legal purposes
Sensitive Log-in and Password Information (if you create an account with us)
  • you, directly
  • securing our networks, systems and databases
  • as required by law or to resolve, investigate or manage actual or suspected legal claims
  • our service providers (security providers, database hosting vendors and our auditors)
  • our affiliates
  • other entities during a corporate transaction
  • courts, litigants, regulators, arbitrators, administrative bodies or law enforcement for legal purposes


When We Perform Our Legal Services

Dykema provides legal Services to our clients. This means we will collect, process and disclose personal information about you, not for our own benefit or goals, but in the course of our legal representation of our clients. Because we handle legal disputes and projects of every nature, it is possible that we will collect, process and disclose many different types of personal information about you, including data that is considered “sensitive” under law. Because this information is being handled in the context of complying with legal obligations or exercising and defending legal claims, the rules and obligations relating to privacy apply differently compared to personal information being handled in other contexts. However:

  • We will only use this information for the purposes of providing our legal Services and never for our own purpose or goals (unless we are investigating, asserting or defending legal claims or governmental requests to which Dykema itself is a party);
  • We collect this information from our clients, directly from you or indirectly through other litigants, third-party discovery respondents or through our own research and investigative efforts.;
  • We may disclose this information to our legal service providers (like our document hosting providers, ediscovery vendors, delivery vendors or legal technology providers) and to third parties related to legal proceedings or disputes with which we are involved (like litigants, regulators, governmental bodies, courts, judges and experts); and

  • We do not sell your information nor do we use your information for targeted advertising or cross-context behavioral advertising.

Deidentified and Aggregated Information

We may process your personal information into aggregated, anonymized or de-identified form for any purpose. Aggregated, anonymized or de-identified information is information that can no longer reasonably identify a specific individual and is no longer “personal information” as defined by applicable data privacy law. We will only maintain and use this type of information in deidentified form and we will not attempt to reidentify this information, except for the purposes of validating our deidentification. 



The Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) regulates online collection of information from persons under the age of 13. It is our policy to refrain from knowingly collecting or maintaining personal information relating to any person under the age of 18 through our Website. If you are under the age of 18, please do not supply any personal information through the Website. If you are under the age of 18 and have already provided personal information through the Website, please have your parent or guardian contact us immediately using the information provided under Contact Us so that we can remove such information from our files. Please delete all Dykema related cookies and restrict further collection of cookies using the methods outlined in the section How To Opt-Out of Tracking And Restrict Cookies in our Cookies Policy.



We may retain your personal information for a period of time that is in accordance with our ability to perform our Services, as well as to comply with applicable law, applicable statute of limitations and our data retention practices. We may also retain your personal information as we believe is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes or governmental requests, to detect or prevent fraud, to collect fees owed, to resolve disputes, to address problems, to assist with investigations, to enforce other applicable agreements or policies or to take any other actions consistent with applicable law.



You may opt-out of receiving marketing and promotional messages from us, if those messages are powered by us, by following the instructions in those messages. If you decide to opt-out, you will still receive non-promotional communications that are necessary in the performance of our Services.



This Website has links to other websites. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site and its operator. We encourage you to carefully review the privacy policy of each entity to which you provide information.



We take reasonable measures, including administrative, technical and physical safeguards, to protect your information from loss, theft, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. We hold information about you at our own premises and with the assistance of service providers. Further public disclosure of our security measures in this section could aid those who might attempt to circumvent those security measures. If you have additional questions regarding security, please contact us directly using the information provided under Contact Us.



There are a number of U.S. states that provide specific consumer rights to residents of those jurisdictions regarding personal information. This section of this Policy describes the rights available to those individuals who are entitled to them. Please note that if you a resident of California, you have access to special data rights and disclosures that are described in this Policy under a separate section titled Data Rights For California Consumers.

What Data Rights Do You Have?

If you are a consumer living in Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah or Virginia, you have the following rights with regard to your personal information. These rights are explained in further detail below.


  Colorado, Connecticut, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Virginia, Texas Delaware, Oregon Iowa Nevada Utah
Confirmation of Personal Information Processing and Access to that Personal Information X X X   X
Correction of Personal Information X X      
Portability of Personal Information X X X   X
Deletion of Personal Information X X X   X
Opt-Out of Targeted Advertising using Personal Information X X X   X
Opt-Out of Sale of Personal Information X X X X X
Opt-Out of Certain Profiling Using Personal Information X X      
List of third-parties that have received personal data disclosures   X      
  • Right to Confirmation and Access. You have the right to confirm whether or not Dykema is processing your personal information and to access such personal information. The general categories of personal information that we collect, process and disclose are listed in the section: What Information We Collect And Disclose And For What Purposes. If you wish to access the specific pieces of personal information that we process about you, please submit a request as directed in the section titled How To Submit A Data Rights Request.
  • Right to Correct. You have the right to request that Dykema correct inaccurate personal information that we maintain about you, taking into account the nature of the personal information and the purposes of the processing of the personal information.
  • Right to Delete. You have the right to request that Dykema delete the personal information that Dykema maintains about you. 
  • Right to Portability. You have the right to request to receive your personal information in a portable and readily usable format, to the extent technically feasible.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Sale/Targeted Advertising. You may have the right to request to opt out of a “sale” of your personal information or processing of your personal information for purposes of targeted advertising. “Targeted advertising” generally means displaying advertisements where the advertisement is selected based on personal information obtained from your activities over time and across websites or online applications to predict your preferences or interests. 

    We may provide your online browsing data to third parties for “targeted advertising” purposes or in ways that constitute “sales” under applicable laws. The Website recognizes the Global Privacy Control (GPC) browser setting that allows individuals to automatically signal their opt-out of the sale of their online browsing data or sharing of their online browsing data for the purposes of targeted advertising. More information regarding GPC is available here. Additionally, you can select “Reject Non-Strictly Necessary Cookies” on the cookie banner of our Website or manually adjust your cookie preferences through the “Cookies Settings” button. If you are not presented with a cookie banner, please delete your cookies and re-visit the Website. Additional information on how to delete cookies can be found in the sub-Section titled How To Opt-Out Of Tracking And Restrict Cookies. Even if you opt-out of targeted advertising, you may still see Dykema ads because we may advertise through other methods that are not based upon your online behavior.

  • Right to Opt-Out of Profiling. You have the right to request to opt out of any automated profiling of you that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you. Applicable state laws allow you to opt out of the application of automated profiling when it relates to substantive decision making, such as denial of financial or lending services, housing, insurance, education enrollment or opportunity, criminal justice, employment opportunities, health-care services, or access to essential goods or services. However, we do not profile individuals in a manner that produces legal or similarly significant effects on those individuals. Therefore, we do not offer a way to opt-out of profiling and neither do we look for or process any online browser preference or opt-out signals that purport to opt-out of profiling..
  • Right to Information About Third Parties. Oregon and Delaware residents may have the right to request, at our option, a list of specific third parties, other than natural persons, to which Dykema has disclosed either your personal information or any personal information in general.



The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) provides the residents of California with the ability to request the data rights as described in this section. For more information, or if you have questions, you can contact us using the information provided under Contact Us.

  • Right to Know. California residents have the right to know what personal information Dykema has collected about them, including the categories of personal information, the categories of sources from which the personal information is collected in the past 12 months, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing personal information, the categories of third parties to whom Dykema discloses personal information, and the specific pieces of personal information Dykema has collected about them.

    The categories of personal information, the categories of sources from which the personal information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for which we collect personal information and the categories of third parties to whom we disclose personal information are found in the section titled What Information We Collect And Disclose And For What Purposes.

    California residents have a right to know if we are “selling” or “sharing” (which is a term used under California law to address the sharing of information for targeted advertising purposes) their personal information, what categories of personal information are “sold” or “shared,” and to whom. The disclosure of your online, web-browsing information when you visit our Website, to our online marketing and analytics providers may constitute a “sale” and “sharing” under California law. However, we do not “sell” or “share” any other types of data and we do not knowingly “sell” or “share” the information of individuals under the age of 16.
  • Right to Delete. California residents have the right to request the deletion of their personal information maintained by Dykema..
  • Right to Correct. California residents have the right to request that Dykema correct inaccurate personal information that Dykema maintains about them. However, we reserve the right to delete your inaccurate personal information instead of correcting it, if permitted by the CCPA.
  • Right to Non-Discrimination. California residents have the right to not be discriminated against due to the exercise of their CCPA privacy rights. However, note that the exercise of certain privacy rights may make it so that we are no longer able to provide you with certain services or communications. For example, if we delete all of your personal information, we cannot send you e-mails or other communications.
  • Right to Opt-Out of “Sale” and “Sharing”. The disclosure of your online, web-browsing information when you visit our Website, to our online marketing and analytics providers may constitute a “sale” and “sharing” under California law. The Website recognizes the Global Privacy Control (GPC) browser setting that allows individuals to automatically signal their opt-out of the sale of their personal information or sharing of their personal information for the purposes of targeted advertising. More information regarding GPC is available here.

    Additionally, you can select “Reject Non-Strictly Necessary Cookies” on the cookie banner of our Website or manually adjust your cookie preferences through the “Cookies Settings” button. If you are not presented with a cookie banner, please delete your cookies and re-visit the Website. Additional information on how to delete cookies can be found in the sub-Section titled How To Opt-Out Of Tracking And Restrict Cookies. Even if you opt-out of targeted advertising, you may still see Dykema ads because we may advertise through other methods that are not based upon your online behavior.
  • Right to Limit Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information. CCalifornia residents have the right to direct a business to limit its use and disclosure of their “sensitive” personal information. California residents can request that a business limit its use or disclosure of their “sensitive” personal information to that use or disclosure which is necessary to perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an average consumer, or to those uses or disclosures otherwise authorized by California law. However, we do not use or disclose your “sensitive” personal information for any purpose other than for the specific purposes described under the CCPA regulation § 7027(m) and always in a manner reasonably necessary and proportionate for these permitted purposes.
  • Right to Make Requests Through an Authorized Agent. California residents can designate an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on their behalf. Only you as a California resident, or a person you have designated in writing as your authorized agent, may make a consumer request related to your personal information. 

    If you wish to have an authorized agent make a verifiable consumer request on your behalf, they will need to provide us with sufficient written proof that you have designated them as your authorized agent. We will still require you to provide sufficient information to allow us to reasonably verify that you are the person about whom we have collected personal information. We can deny any request made by a purported authorized agent who does not submit proof that they have been authorized by the California resident to act on the California resident’s behalf



You can submit your request to exercise your data rights through the below:



Once we receive your request to exercise a right, we will confirm receipt and begin to evaluate, and if appropriate, process the request. Please note that:

  • We may require that you provide additional information to confirm your identity, including providing us with at least two or more pieces of personal information to match against personal information that we currently maintain about you. We reserve the right to reject your request if we are unable to verify your identity to a sufficiently high level of certainty. The information you provide to verify your identity will only be used for verification purposes, and a record of your request, including certain information contained within it, will be maintained by Dykema for our files.
  • To authenticate any request to correct personal information, you may be required to provide authentication information.
  • Certain laws or other legal requirements might prevent some personal information from being disclosed or deleted.

If you fail or refuse to provide the necessary information, we may not be able to process your request.

If we reject a request for any reason, we will inform you of the basis of the rejection. Not all individuals about whom we possess information will have access to these rights and we may not be able to provide these rights to everyone due to legal and jurisdictional limitations. We may not be able to comply with your request for a number of reasons, including:

  • you do not live in a state that grants you the specific right that you have requested;
  • the information that you’ve requested is not subject to the regulation that grants you the right to make a request in relation to your personal information;
  • we are prevented or exempted by law, regulation or rule from complying with your request;
  • we do not maintain your personal information in a manner that is connected to your identity;
  • we are not able to comply with your request without incurring disproportionate burden or expense; or
  • if complying with your request conflicts with the integrity of our Services, the ability to administer our Website, to administer our business and related relationships or to establish, defend or administer legal claims.

If any of the above reasons apply, we will let you know in our response to your request. 

Submitting A Request Through An Authorized Agent

You may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. An authorized agent should make a request through the same mechanisms that are available to individuals as described in this Policy. The request should clearly identify that the request is being made by an authorized agent and must include evidence of authorization. If we receive a request from an individual or an entity purporting to making the request on behalf of another individual, we can only comply with the request if we are able to sufficiently authenticate both the identity of the individual as well as the authorized agent’s authority to act on that individual’s behalf.

California has special rules regarding submitting requests through agents, so please review the appropriate disclosure in the section titled Data Rights For California Consumers.

Appeals And Complaints

If you disagree with our decision to reject your request or with any portion of our response, you have the right to appeal within a reasonable period of time. If you wish to appeal, please clearly and plainly describe your basis of disagreement with our decision by responding through the same means by which we communicated our refusal or by submitting your appeal through the information provided under Contact Us. We will review your appeal and either change our decision or reject your appeal, and in either case, we will provide a written explanation of the reason for the decision. This decision will be final. However, if you still disagree with our decision, you have the right to submit a complaint to your attorney general of your state of residence. 



We may amend this Policy at any time by posting revisions on our Website. If we make any material changes in the way we collect or process your personal information, we will notify you by prominently describing the updates at the beginning of the Policy.



To submit questions or to inquire about or submit a request relating to data rights, you can contact us by:



LAST MODIFIED: January 1, 2025

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your hard drive by a web page server. Cookies contain information that can later be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.  here are several types of cookies:

  • Session cookies provide information about how a website is used during a single browser session while a user is visiting a website and usually expire after the browser is closed.
  • Persistent cookies remain on your device between different browser sessions for a set amount of time in order to enable the website to remember user preferences, settings or actions across other sites. A persistent cookie will remain on a user’s device for a set period of time specified in the cookie.
  • First-party cookies are cookies set by the operator of the website you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies are cookies set by third parties that are different from the operator website you are visiting.

Our collection of cookies

We, our marketing partners, affiliates and analytics or service providers use cookies and other similar technologies. We group the cookies that we collect into the following categories based upon their function (note that all types of cookies, as described above, will be found in each category):


Category Description
Strictly Necessary Cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms.
Performance Cookies These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site.
Functional Cookies These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and personalization. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly. 
Targeting or Advertising Cookies These cookies may be set through our website by our advertising partners. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. They are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted advertising.
Social Media Cookies These cookies are set by a range of social media services that we have added to the site to enable you to share our content with your friends and networks. They are capable of tracking your browser across other sites and building up a profile of your interests. This may impact the content and messages you see on other websites you visit. If you do not allow these cookies you may not be able to use or see these sharing tools.


Third-party cookies

The Website allows third-parties to place cookies on your Internet-connected device. Further, in order to provide interoperability and plug-ins from various social media websites (like Linked-In or Facebook), the Website allows these third-parties to place and collect cookies on your Internet-connected device. However, you can restrict the third-party collection of cookies through the instructions provided in the section How To Opt-Out Of Tracking And Restrict Cookies below.


We may use service providers to provide site metrics and other analytics services. These service providers may use cookies (see above); web beacons (also called clear GIFs or pixels), which are small blocks of code that allow us to measure the actions of visitors using the Website; and other technologies to collect information, such as your IP address, identifiers associated with your device, other applications on your device, the browsers you use to access our Website, webpages viewed, time spent on webpages, links clicked and conversion information (e.g., transactions entered into). This information may be used by Dykema and its service providers on behalf of Dykema to analyze and track usage of our Websites to determine the popularity of certain content.

We use Google Analytics to analyze how individuals use the Website. We will package up information about how individuals interact with our Website and send it to Google Analytics to be processed into reports. This information includes basic pageviews and visit data such as device type, operating system, and browser type. When Google Analytics processes data, it aggregates and organizes the data based on particular criteria like whether a user’s device is mobile or desktop, or which browser they’re using. If, at any time, you choose not to participate in the use of analytics software, please use your web browser’s available opt-outs as described in the section How To Opt-Out Of Tracking And Restrict Cookies.

Social Media Plug-ins

These plug-ins allow us to integrate social media functions into Dykema’s Website and may also be used for advertising purposes by those social media companies. If you visit our Website while logged into your social media accounts, information about your visit to our Website, your social media identifier and information about your browser may be provided to those third-party social media companies. You should review the privacy policy of any social media entity with whom you have an account to learn about how they may use your data. 

Do Not Track (“DNT”)  

DNT is an optional browser setting that allows you to express your preferences regarding tracking across websites. Most modern web browsers give you the option to send a Do Not Track signal to the websites you visit, indicating that you do not wish to be tracked. However, there is no accepted standard. Instead, in addition to publicly available third-party tools, we offer you the choices described in this Policy to manage the collection and use of information about you when you visit our Website.

How to Opt-Out Of Tracking And Restrict Cookies

You can see what cookies we place and/or collect and for what purposes by clicking “Cookie Settings” on the cookie banner when you first visit the site. If you are not presented with a cookie banner, please delete your cookies and re-visit the site. You can choose to restrict all non-necessary cookies by clicking “Reject All Non-Essential Cookies” on the cookie banner when you first visit the Website or choose which specific non-necessary cookies to accept or reject by clicking “Settings.” 

The Website recognizes the Global Privacy Control (GPC) browser setting that allows individuals to automatically signal their opt-out of the sale of their online browsing data or sharing of their online browsing data for the purposes of targeted advertising. More information regarding GPC is available here.

You can also opt-out of the tracking of your online behavior by:

Finally, you can control and delete cookies through your browser settings through the following:




Last updated: January 1, 2025

The above general Policy still applies to those individuals who reside outside of the United States or who have had personal information collected by Dykema or its agents in a country other than the United States. However, due to various international regulations, those individuals may be entitled to additional disclosures and rights. This International Privacy Policy (the “International Policy”) supplements the above general Policy, but where the provisions of the general Policy and this International Policy cannot be construed consistently, this International Policy will govern.

Please note that by visiting the Website or by having personal information collected by Dykema, your personal information is being stored or processed in the United States where our data center and servers are located and operated. The United States may not have privacy laws that are as strong or comprehensive as the privacy laws in your own country. Your personal information may also be stored in a multi-tenant cloud environment hosted by our service providers. 


Our International Policy includes:

  1. Collection Of Personal Information
  2. How We Use Personal Information
  3. The Basis On Which We Process Your Personal Information
  4. Obtaining Consent
  5. Third-Parties
  6. Limitations
  7. Retention Of Personal Information
  8. Access And Rights To Your Personal information
  9. Response Time
  10. Costs
  11. Identifying You In Connection With Requests
  12. Opt-Out And Unsubscribe
  13. Accuracy
  14. Safeguards
  15. Contact Us



You can find specific details about the personal information that we collect about you in the section titled What Information We Collect And Disclose And For What Purposes.

Where we are the data controller with regards to the personal information that we process, you may exercise your rights as a data subject, including the right to object to the processing of your personal information when it is processed based on our legitimate interests, as described in this International Policy.



As a general matter, we collect your personal information to perform and advertise our Services and administer our Website. You can find specific details about the purposes for which we collect personal information about you in the section titled What Information We Collect And Disclose And For What Purposes of the general Policy.



We will only collect and process your personal information as is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of our functions or activities, including for administering our Website or providing our Services to our clients. Where we are the data controller with regards to the personal information that we process, we process your personal information upon the legal bases described herein.

If you visit our Website, our legal basis for the processing of your information is:

  • Performance of a contract: We may need to collect and use your personal information to provide you with the Website and requested functionality.
  • Consent: Where required by law, we will obtain your consent for performing data analytics, marketing and advertising our Services and improving and enhancing the functionality of our Website.
  • Legitimate interests: We may use your personal information for our legitimate interests of direct marketing of our Services.

If you are a current or prospective client, business partner or a Dykema alumni, our legal basis for the processing of your information is:

  • Performance of a contract: We may need to collect and use your personal information to provide you with requested legal Services.
  • Consent: Where required by law, we will obtain your explicit consent for the collection and use of your personal information.
  • Legitimate interests: We may use your personal information for our legitimate interests of direct marketing of our Services, hosting webinars or events or processing payments and other administrative activities.

When we perform our legal Services, our legal basis for the processing of your information is:

  • Performance of a contract: We may need to collect and use your personal information to provide you with requested legal Services.
  • Legitimate interests: We may use your personal information for the legitimate interests of our clients, including the investigation, defense and assertion of legal claims or complying with legal requirements.


Except when otherwise permitted by law or binding regulation, we will obtain the requisite consent from you prior to collecting and, in any case, prior to using or disclosing your personal information for any purpose other than as disclosed in this International Policy. You may provide your consent to us orally, in writing, by electronic communication, through your actions or any other means reasonably capable of conveying your consent.

Your refusal to provide consent for collection (or your withdrawal of previously given consent) or to give your personal information when requested, can have negative consequences. For example, if you do not give consent for Dykema’s collection of personal information, we may not be able to provide you with requested legal Services or requested functionality of the Website.



We ensure that other entities that are engaged to provide products or services on our behalf, and who are provided with personal information, are required to observe the intent of this International Policy by having comparable levels of security protection or, when required, by assuring us (through a confidentiality agreement) that they will not use or disclose the personal information for any purpose other than the purpose for which the personal information was communicated. You can find specific details about to whom Dykema discloses your personal information in the section titled What Information We Collect And Disclose And For What Purposes.

However, note that in the course of the performance of our legal Services, we are often required by law to disclose information to a variety of third parties, such as litigants, regulators, governmental bodies, courts and judges. These types of third parties do not process your information on our behalf and we have no control over these third parties’ use or disclosure of your information.



We only collect, use and disclose the personal information necessary to fulfill the legal bases identified in this International Policy, other reasonable and legitimate purposes or as required by law.

We do not, as a condition of providing the Website or performing the Services, or as an administrative or management requirement, require consent to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information beyond what is reasonably required for such purposes, or to comply with our obligations under applicable law or regulation.



We will utilize, disclose, or retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or for legal or business requirements. We will establish minimum and maximum retention periods and procedures for maintaining and destroying your personal information. When personal information is retained to make a decision about you, we will retain such information for the period required in order to comply with our internal data retention policies.



There are a number of data privacy laws that provide specific data subject rights to residents of certain jurisdictions. This section of this International Policy describes the rights available to those individuals who are entitled to them. Not all individuals about whom we possess information will have access to these rights and we may not be able to provide these rights to everyone due to legal and jurisdictional limitations. We may not be able to comply with your request for a number of reasons, including:

  • you do not live in a jurisdictions that grants you the specific right that you have requested;
  • the information that you’ve requested is not subject to the regulation that grants you the right to make a request in relation to your personal information;
  • we are prevented by law, regulation or rule from complying with your request;
  • we are not able to comply with your request without incurring disproportionate burden or expense; or
  • if complying with your request conflicts with the integrity of our services or the ability to administer our business, to administer our business and related relationships or to establish, defend or administer legal claims.

If any of the above reasons apply, we will let you know in our response to your request. Note that we may be required to gather additional information from you in order to process your request. We will only use this information in the context of evaluating and responding to your request. If you fail or refuse to provide the necessary information, we may not be able to process your request.

Subject to the exceptions provided by applicable law or regulation, and depending on your country of residence, you may have the following rights regarding your personal information:

  • The right to request confirmation that Dykema maintains or processes personal information about you.
  • The right to access the personal information that Dykema maintains or processes about you.
  • The right to request that a copy of your personal information that Dykema maintains or processes about you be provided to you or another data controller in a portable format.
  • The right to know the purpose for Dykema maintaining and processing your personal information.
  • The right to withdraw your consent for Dykema’s processing of your personal information, if our processing is based upon your consent.
  • The right to request the correction of inaccurate personal information that Dykema maintains about you.
  • The right to request that Dykema delete the personal information that it maintains about you.
  • The right to request that Dykema restrict the processing of your personal information.
  • The right to opt-out of Dykema’s automated decision-making programs.
  • The right to object to Dykema’s processing of your personal information.

You can request to exercise these rights by using the information provided under Contact Us. Please be as specific as possible in your request so that we can meet the applicable handling timelines.

Finally, you have the right to raise a complaint with Dykema or the appropriate data protection authority of your country of residence if you feel that Dykema’s processing of your personal information violates your individual rights, is not in line with this International Policy or violates the privacy principals, laws or regulations of your country of residence.

  • You can contact Dykema’s privacy office by using the information provided under Contact Us. We will promptly investigate any complaint and will respond within the timeframes describe in this International Policy.
  • If you are a resident of the European Union, you can find your appropriate data protection authority by following this link.

An interactive map showing the various Data Protection Authorities around the world and how to contact them can be found here.



We will make every reasonable effort to respond to your written request not later than 30 days after receipt of such request. We will advise you in writing if we cannot meet your request within this time limit. When applicable, you have the right to make a complaint to the appropriate supervisory authority, as detailed in this International Policy, with respect to this time limit.



We expect to be able to respond to your request without charge as a general matter. However, where allowed by law, we reserve the right to collect a reasonable charge when you request the transcription, reproduction or transmission of such information. We will notify you, following your request of the appropriate amount that will be charged. You will then have the opportunity to withdraw your request.



We may require that you provide to us additional information to identify yourself before we provide information about the existence, use or disclosure of your personal information in our possession. Any such information that you provide to us shall be used only for this purpose.



You may opt-out of receiving marketing and promotional messages from us, if those messages are powered by us, by following the instructions in those messages. If you decide to opt-out, you will still receive non-promotional communications that are necessary to maintain the existing business relationship between you and Dykema, to the extent there is one.



We will use reasonable efforts to ensure that your personal information is kept as accurate, complete and up to date as possible. We do not routinely update your personal information in our possession, unless such a process is necessary. In order to help us maintain and ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date, you must inform us, without delay, of any change in the data that you have provided to us.

You can at any time, challenge the accuracy or completeness of the personal information we have about you, subject to the exceptions provided by applicable law. If you demonstrate that the personal information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete, we will amend the personal information as required. Where appropriate, we will transmit the amended data to third parties to whom we have communicated your personal information.



We use security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of personal data to protect it from loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. These safeguards include physical measures, such as restricted access to offices and equipment; organizational measures, such as security clearances (limiting access on a “need to know” basis) and technological measures, such as the use of passwords and/or encryption.



To submit questions or to inquire about or submit a request relating to data rights, you can contact us by: